Saturday, February 29, 2020

Business Essays – Entrepreneurship Pancake Cereal

Business Essays Entrepreneurship Pancake Cereal Entrepreneurship Pancake Cereal Business Model / Mo’s Pancake and Cereal Bar Introduction Entrepreneurship is a thriving activity in the United States, as well as globally. Increasing numbers of people are deciding to implement their dreams of business ownership. There are between three and five million entrepreneurial business ventures undertaken annually within the United States. Eighty-four percent of those starting a new business venture are first-time entrepreneurs (Zimmerer however, 64% of small businesses fail within six years (Zimmerer and as a result, starting a new business is no longer perceived as particularly risky. In light of this favorable environment for entrepreneurial activity, the success of a new business venture, Mo’s Pancake and Cereal Bar (MPCB), located in the vibrant and historical downtown district of Grapevine, Texas, seems particularly promising. Elements of several relevant disciplines will play a vital role in the success or failure o f this particular venture. By taking advantage of the perspectives of these particular disciplines, it should be possible to integrate their insights in order to create a viable business plan that will result in the ultimate success of Mo’s Pancake and Cereal Bar (Repko, 2005). There are a wide range of disciplines that could contribute to the creation of a successful business plan for MPCB. Some of these disciplines include architecture, business administration, education, history, political science, sociology, and urban planning and development. Three disciplines have been identified as those making the greatest contribution: urban planning and development, architecture and the subfield of interior design, and business with an emphasis on small business management. An understanding of urban planning and development will be necessary to ensure a business plan that is that is in keeping with the overall goals and the long-term development plans of the city of Grapevine. Urban planning and development plays a key role in understanding patterns of growth and its resulting economic implications (McCarthy, 2007). The ownership and management of MPCB must understand the significance of community goals and the importance of these goals on the ultimate success of MPCB. As an organization, MPCB should develop strong ties with city government and take an active part in promoting its development. One way it can do this is by taking part in such activities as Main Street Days , Grapefest , and various holiday festivities held annually in the city of Grapevine.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Brief the UK company on business and national cultural norms in the Assignment

Brief the UK company on business and national cultural norms in the host country - Assignment Example Within an organization, the way how members interconnect, plan and make choices is largely influenced by beliefs, rules of conduct, attitudes, values and norms. Every organization has its own norms, customs, values, expectations and cultures that effect the interaction or behavior of the employees towards administration, associates, colleagues and collaboration between one another to achieve organizational goals. Norms are guidelines set by organizations to workers to be recognized and help them to accomplish its objectives. Members of the organization are directed to learn and follow various proceedings that occur at work and answer to them that expose businesses guiding norms and values (Gannon and Pillai, 2010) There are number of aspects that effect business success and offer its more development and growth. Business activity is directly affected by the values people follow and culture is demonstrated as the edge where certain set of values work. Values, beliefs and attitudes that are occasionally donated to as â€Å"Culture†, has an unchallengeable role in human actions and growth. It appears that in order to contribute in nation’s economic wealth and happiness, there must be a certain set of moral codes and values that assist in doing business (Chang, 2006). Certainly, values play the chief role in decision-building, as they direct attitude to one condition or another. Business success can be influenced by the values of individuals, their attitudes and principles as these features direct their action and behavior. Cultural elements have an important influence on the growth of business. Each society has its own elements of culture (Czinkota and Ronkainen, 2007). These factors of culture are demonstrated through: verbal, Nonverbal, religion, Language, manners, actions, education, aesthetics, social society and material elements. Adjustment of these essentials for an international company governs on its degree in

Saturday, February 1, 2020

News reading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

News reading - Essay Example Consequently, the Chinese and other critics had to demand the Malaysian government for reasonable explanations. The article mentions that after China asked Malaysia to explain their findings, the Prime Minister was not able to give a quick reply. This only shows that the earlier announcement has not been thought of well. I think Malaysia should have expected that people will definitely ask why they are searching a certain place especially so that the plane would unlikely course through the remote area of the ocean. Malaysia clearly did not perform well in this circumstance and therefore needs to work harder on the issue. On the other hand, the effort of Australia to extend help is commendable. Although Australia is not directly involved in the event, her performance of her moral duties as a nation near the location means a lot. Other countries also joined forces for the fast resolution of the tragedy. It is interesting to note that in its closing, the article says that the search can take years because of the characteristics of the ocean but is quick to mention the fast recovery of Air France which faced a similar fate in